Sunday, February 24, 2013

Le Menu

 “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
Virginia Woolf

 A cold week and it looks like February is not letting go just yet.  A week of warm soup and good friends.

Kids were out of school Monday and it was a blustery day at the park that ended with 1/2-priced books for all, a smoothie for the ride home and a butternut squash soup topped with sour cream and bacon for dinner...yum!

Menu for the week:

Butternut squash soup & Salad
*Rosemary chicken (I only prepared the chicken part of this recipe.  Very basic, very easy, very good)
       Citrus rice salad (not really a salad, but the best citrus rice side dish you will ever eat)
       Green beans
Bar-b-q pulled pork sandwiches, sweet potato fries and cranberry cole slaw


  1. Would you be willing to share your Rosemary Chicken recipe? It sounds so yummy.

  2. There is a link to food network if you click on "Rosemary Chicken"

  3. You inspire me to eat soup! Since winter still wrapps it's slippery fingers around my bare legs that I refuse to encase in tights anymore. I know that is stubborn and slightly foolish but I am done!! I recieved my springtime letter...therefore it should be spring. But, alas, maybee soup will make it all better.
